Switch Your Computers to SSDs and Save Your Business Time

If you’re not familiar with the “under the hood” parts of your computer, the first thing you might ask about a title like “Switch your computers to SSDs and save your business time,” is “What is an SSD?” Then, of course, you would follow up with “How can an SSD save my business time?” Those are really two very good questions, which your IT support experts will be happy to answer.

SSDs Explained

An SSD is short for solid-state drive. Solid state means, quite simply, that it doesn’t have any moving parts. An ordinary hard disk drive strongly resembles an old-style record player in that it has heads that take care of the reading and writing of the disk. The disk spins to allow this to happen.

In all fairness, it spins a lot faster than a record player, and the head that takes care of the reading and writing on an HDD is truly an engineering marvel. But just because something is good, that doesn’t mean it can’t be improved upon. SSDs are both more complex and simpler – all at the same time. The bottom line is that if something doesn’t have a lot of moving parts, you won’t need to call IT support quite as often.

SSDs Have Advantages over HDDs

Since an SSD doesn’t move, it’s quieter and its many times faster than an HDD. While HDDs have become a lot quieter in the last few years, all that spinning does make noise. Besides, who doesn’t want an instant or close to instant response from their computers which would increase productivity?

Since an SSD doesn’t move, it’s quieter and its many times faster than an HDD. While HDDs have become a lot quieter in the last few years, all that spinning does make noise. Besides, who doesn’t want an instant or close to instant response from their computers which would increase productivity?

In , a library instructor told her students, “Keep a jar of jelly beans next to your computer. When it doesn’t respond immediately, reach for a jelly bean instead of poking the return button again and again.” Why? Because in , complex operations like booting up or saving could take several seconds or even minutes to perform. That’s a lot of jelly beans.

In addition to this, many computer users might recall being told to keep magnets away from their hard drives. That’s because the read/write feature of most HDDs is magnetic in nature. A strong magnet can cause corruption or a complete wipe of a hard drive. It doesn’t take too much imagination to figure out that keeping your drive safe from advertising magnets and similar objects is a good thing.

Ups and Downs of SSDs

Like all technology, there are both ups and downs to SSD’s. Spending less time eating jellybeans and more time working is a definite upside. The downside is that SSDs are a little more expensive than an HDD, and they are not yet standard equipment on new computers. The other upside is that it isn’t too difficult to change out an old HDD for a new SSD. If you aren’t comfortable with “going under the hood” you can probably pay your local IT support specialist to do it for you.

Address: VIC
Web: http://https://infuzeit.com.au/business-it-support-switch-to-ssd-save-time/
